Frozen Shoulder Sleeping Position

Frozen Shoulder Sleeping Position Finding the perfect frozen shoulder sleeping position is the commonest concern of patients suffering with this condition. Everyone who is suffering from frozen shoulder knows how excruciatingly painful it is to get a wink of sleep...

Panic Disorder Treatment in Homeopathy

Panic Disorder Treatment in Homeopathy Live Positive protocol is reputed as the best panic disorder treatment in homeopathy. What is Panic Disorder? Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder where a person regularly experiences acute panic and anxiety attacks. There is a...

Foods to Avoid with Fistula-Fistula in Ano Diet

Foods to Avoid with Fistula My patients often ask about foods to avoid with fistula. Live Positive treats about 15 new Fistula in ano patients each week and each of them need advice regarding the fistula in ano diet. So instead of advising each of them separately, we...

Fistula Homeopathy-Cure [100%]

Fistula Homeopathy Fistula homeopathy treatment offers a permanent and painless cure. There is absolutely no need of any surgical or invasive procedures to get rid of fistula in ano permanently. Live Positive has helped hundreds of patients suffering from anal fistula...