Fistula Treatment in Homeopathy
Looking for fistula treatment in homeopathy? Then this post is the answer to your problem.
Today we’ll be focusing on the topic fistula treatment homeopathy. This post will describe how our Live Positive protocol successfully achieves fistula treatment without surgery.
This treatment is 100% safe, painless, holistic and highly effective. It not only achieves complete cure of fistula in ano, but also prevents recurrence of the problem in future. This is why our LPC fistula protocol is successful in providing permanent relief from fistula in ano.
Live Positive Multispeciality Homeopathy treatment protocol guarantees complete fistula in ano treatment in homeopathy.
Before we proceed further, let us try to understand what is fistula, how is a fistula formed and what are its symptoms.
What is Fistula?
Fistula is an abnormal hollow passage that connects a body cavity such as the rectum or the anus with another body cavity such as the urethra or the vagina.
It can also be a connection of one body cavity with the skin. It is an abscess filled with pus and does not heal on its own.
Fistulas can be solitary or multiple in number.
What Causes Fistula?
Fistula can be caused by many reasons. A person can develop fistulas due to tuberculosis, cancer, diverticulitis (infection in the diverticula), bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease, and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). They can be a result of abscess in the anus.
Fistula Symptoms
The following are the symptoms of fistula in anus:
- Bleeding– a person suffering from fistula may experience bleeding.
- Pain and/or swelling– there may be pain and/or swelling around the anus.
- Foul smelling discharge with pain– a constant or intermittent discharge having foul odour (pus). The pain in the fistula may decrease after the pus has drained.
- Irritation– there may be constant irritation around the anus due to continuous discharge.
- Painful bowel movements– a fistula patient may experience painful bowel movements. In some cases, patients also experience pain while urination.
In homeopathy medicine for piles and fistula are sometimes the same because of their matching symptoms. So, what is the difference between piles and fistula?
A fistula is a tube-like abscess formed around the anus. Piles or haemorrhoids denote inflammation of the veins in the rectum and anus which eventually cause discomfort and sometimes bleeding.
The other common disorder that causes pain, discomfort and bleeding is fissure in ano.
Types of Anal Fistula
The following types of anal fistula are classified according to their position:
- Inter-sphincteric fistula- The fistula tract opens very close
to the anal opening. The tract begins in the gap between the internal and
external sphincter muscles. - Tran-sphincteric fistula- The tract forms behind the anus in
the space between the internal and external sphincter muscle. It opens an inch
or two outside the anal opening after crossing the external sphincter. This
kind of fistula is also known as a horseshoe fistula as they form in a U shape. - Supra-sphincteric fistula- The tract begins in the gap between
the internal and external sphincter muscles. It then turns upward to a point
above the puborectal muscle crossing this muscle. The tract continues to extend
downward between the puborectal and levator ani muscle and opens an inch or two
outside the anus. - Extra-sphincteric fistula– The fistula tract begins at the
rectum or sigmoid colon and extends downward. It then passes through the
levator ani muscle opening around the anus. The main causes of the fistulas are
appendiceal abscess, diverticular abscess or Crohn’s disease.
Will a Fistula Heal on Its Own?
Many people wonder if a fistula heals on its own. Fistula tunnels or tracts cannot be healed on their own. If left untreated for a long time, there’s a high chance for the patient to develop cancer in the tracts.
Majority of patients nowadays prefer fistula in ano treatment in homeopathy, because they fear going under the surgeon’s knife or have already undergone surgery once and now the fistula has recurred.
Can You Heal a Fistula Without Surgery?
Yes, certainly a fistula can heal without surgery. But not every kind of treatment can promise that.
Many of them had tried fistula treatment in Kerala, few had tried fistula treatment in Chennai and many of the patients said that they had fistula in ano ayurvedic treatment. Patients who are from Kerala and South India had tried kshar sutra treatment for fistula which they admitted was a horribly painful procedure.
Fistula Cure In Homeopathy
We receive hundreds of inquiries each month that keep asking the same question, “Is fistula curable by homeopathy?” “Is there fistula cure in homeopathy?”
Well, the answer is both yes and no. Let me clear your doubts at this point of time and tell you that out of the fistula in ano cases that we have treated here at Live Positive Multispeciality Clinic, a good majority of them had already tried homeopathy medicine for anus fistula from other homeopathic doctors, without any success.
Fistula Treatment Without Surgery Homeopathy
Our Live Positive fistula homeopathy protocol has helped numerous patients achieve complete fistula cure.
The results of over 24 years of research and study have been involved in creating our fistula homeopathy medications in our LPC fistula protocol.
Unlike other consultants, we pay great attention to our patients’ complaints be it major or minor. We do not put our patients on a single medication during the treatment, neither do we give the same medications to all patients.
We are proud to be known as the best treatment for fistula in ano in India. We have patients all across India and International patients from the US, Botswana, Mauritius, Denmark, Nigeria, Dubai, Qatar, Oman, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Canada, Germany, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ireland, and United Kingdom.
No matter which part of the globe you reside in, you also can enjoy the benefit of our LPC fistula treatment in homeopathy, sitting in the comfort of your home.
Stop suffering and get permanent fistula cure. Click the blue button below to start a live WhatsApp chat with our Senior Consultant Dr.Kavita.