Frozen Shoulder Sleeping Position

Finding the perfect frozen shoulder sleeping position is the commonest concern of patients suffering with this condition. Everyone who is suffering from frozen shoulder knows how excruciatingly painful it is to get a wink of sleep with this condition.

Why Does Frozen Shoulder Hurt More at Night?

Most of my patients complain that the shoulder pain is exceedingly troublesome at night.

If you are wondering why your frozen shoulder hurts more at night, then there are certain facts about blood circulation that can explain this.

The human body tends to slow down a bit during night, when you are supposed to be getting your beauty sleep. Night is the time for repair, rejuvenation and subsequently the circulation and excretion of waste out of the body is not as energetic as during the day.

Added to this is the pressure of your sleeping position which compresses the tissues, making it more painful. But sleep helps in the repair and rejuvenation of tissues making it even more crucial for patients like you to get a few hours of restful sleep.

The first step to achieve that is finding a sleeping position for frozen shoulder that minimizes the stress on the joint and internal structures.

Best Sleeping Position for Frozen Shoulder

Finding the best sleeping position for frozen shoulder is not an easy task.All of us have a favorite sleeping position in which we can actually drift off. So, the sleeping position for frozen shoulder patients must be personalized according to the favorite sleeping position.

Best Sleeping Position for Frozen Shoulder for Side Sleepers

For those who can find sleep only if lying on their sides, this is a great tip. Use a pillow under your head as you normally would. Then use another pillow under your ribcage or chest, leaving a gap or a canal between your first pillow and the second.

The gap or pillow canal should be under your shoulder. This helps in taking the pressure off from your shoulder when you lie on your side and shift it towards the ribcage or side of the chest as illustrated in Fig. 1 in the image below.

Best Sleeping Position for Right Frozen Shoulder for Right Side Sleepers

Now the question arises that what would be the sleeping position for right frozen shoulder for right side sleepers, if their right shoulder is the affected one. In such a situation, it is recommended that you use the position mentioned above.

Use the extra pillow under the right side of your chest and place your right arm in the pillow canal.

Best Sleeping Position for Left Frozen Shoulder for Right Side Sleepers

Let us find the best sleeping position for left frozen shoulder for right side sleepers, if their left shoulder is the affected one.

In such a situation, it is recommended that you use the position mentioned above. Use the extra pillow under the right side of your chest and place your right arm in the pillow canal. In addition to this, you will also need a pillow/ two pillows under your left arm as well. See the Fig.2 in the image below:

When you lie on your right side, your left shoulder joint is placed in the impingement position, which aggravates the injury to the frozen shoulder capsule. The pillows under your left arm prevent left shoulder impingement.

Best Sleeping Position for Right Frozen Shoulder for Left Side Sleepers

If you prefer sleeping on your left side and are suffering from right frozen shoulder, you mustuse your regular sleeping pillow under your head and form the pillow canal on the left side with a pillow under left side of your chest.

Then add two pillows under your right forearm as well as shown in the image below.

"frozen shoulder sleeping position"

Best Sleeping Position for Left Frozen Shoulder for Left Side Sleepers

If you have left frozen shoulder but still want to sleep, lying on your left side, use your regular sleeping pillow under your head and create the pillow canal on your left by placing an extra pillow under the left side of your chest. This will help take away the pressure of your body from the left frozen shoulder.

Best Sleeping Position for Frozen Shoulder for Back Sleepers

If sleeping on your back or your spine is your favorite position, use your regular pillow under your head and a pillow or 2 pillows under your elbow joint on the affected side. See fig.3 in the image above.

So, if you have a right shoulder pain, place the extra pillows under your right elbow and right forearm in such a way that your right forearm and right-hand rests on the pillows and takes the pressure off from your affected shoulder joint.

Similarly, if you have a left shoulder pain, use the extra pillow/s underneath your left elbow and left forearm. The idea is to take the pressure of your reclining body away from the affected joint.

Frozen Shoulder Sleeping Tips

I will discuss a few general frozen shoulder sleeping tips in today’s post. If you know the science behind the symptoms, you can manage your painful shoulder in a better manner.

The first rule is to avoid sleeping on the sides, especially on the affected shoulder, as far as possible. If you cannot help sleeping on your sides, there are tips on the best sleeping positions in the following section.

Next rule is to avoid wearing tight clothes to bed. Some women prefer keeping their bra on, even during sleep. It is highly recommended to avoid wearing bras and tight fitting clothes around your shoulders, neck and chest. If you really cannot avoid a bra, use ones where the strap does not pull on your shoulders or block the circulation of blood in your chest area.

Third rule is to use good quality mattresses and pillows that can provide the right support to your body.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment

It is just not enough to find the best sleeping position for frozen shoulder. You must treat it early, before the inflammation progresses to damage your shoulder joint permanently.

Our Live Positive frozen shoulder treatment protocol can help in curing your frozen shoulder, prevent damage to the joint and also treat the underlying cause for frozen shoulder like diabetes, injury etc. Here you can read 14 reasons why our frozen shoulder treatment is your best option.

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