Homeopathic Treatment for Vertigo
Homeopathic treatment of vertigo is the best choice when you need permanent relief from this nagging problem. Vertigo could be either peripheral or central.
When the dizziness is due to issues affecting the inner ear, then it is referred to as peripheral vertigo.
Here at Live Positive Multispeciality, we have used homeopathy for vertigo in numerous cases, and helped the patients get permanent relief.
Today, we will discuss more about peripheral vertigo.
Types of Peripheral Vertigo
Meniere’s Disease
Meniere’s disease can cause peripheral vertigo. This type of vertigo often attacks suddenly and can remain active for almost 24 hours. In addition to the loss of balance, it also leads to ringing and fullness in ears, hearing loss and nausea/vomiting.
Vestibular Neuritis
It is often referred to as vestibular neuronitis as well. This form of peripheral vertigo occurs suddenly. It can cause earache, nausea, vomiting, and a loss of balance. Vestibular neuronitis is caused by the infections of the vestibular nerve. Viral infections such as cold and flu are the usual cause of vestibular neuronitis.
In this condition, patients complain that they feel as if they are moving even while standing stationary. This type of peripheral vertigo is caused by an infection in the labyrinth of the inner ear. Fever and earache also occur along with the loss of balance.
Viral infections like cold, flu, herpes, stomach viruses like Norovirus etc. can cause this vertigo. Bacteria causing Lyme disease can also cause labyrinthitis.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo(BPPV)
It is the most common type of peripheral vertigo. Its symptoms include short but frequent periods of vertigo. Some particular movements of the head can set off the attacks of vertigo in BPPV.
Vertigo Treatment Exercises
Vertigo treatment exercises are recommended to complement your homeopathic treatment for vertigo. These exercises are Epley maneuver, Semont maneuver, Foster maneuver, and Brandt-Daroff exercise. Here we will discuss them one by one in detail.
Brandt-Daroff Exercise
Brandt Daroff exercises can be performed at home and helps in dislodging the calcium carbonate crystals in your inner ear, that cause your BPPV.
1- Sit at the middle edge of your bed with the legs hanging over the side
2- Lie down on the right side and try to move your head upwards at an angle of 45 degrees. Maintain this position for almost half a minute.
3- Get back to the upright position and look straight for thirty seconds.
4- Perform step 2 with the left side.
5- Get back to an upright sitting position and look straight for thirty seconds.
6- Perform this activity for three to four times per day.
Caution: If your doctor has already performed the Epley or Foster maneuver on you, it is advised to wait at least for a period of 48 hours before you do this exercise.
Foster Maneuver
Foster maneuver is also called as half somersault. It is very easy to perform. It involves the following steps
1- Kneel and look upwards for 20 to 30 seconds.
2- Get your head in touch with the ground. Tuck your chin so that your head seems to be moving towards your knees. Maintain this position for thirty seconds.
3- Move your head in direction of the affected ear.
4- Raise your head so that it comes in level with your back. Try to maintain your head’s position at an angle of 45 degrees. Manage this position for thirty seconds
5- Now quickly raise your head in a fully straight upward direction.
You can repeat this few more times for efficient results. Maintain a gap of at least fifteen minutes between two rounds.
Epley Maneuver
This is also a helpful exercise in the treatment of vertigo. However, it must be followed in accordance with the side (either left or right) of vertigo. If peripheral vertigo is triggered from left ear, then
1- Sit at your bed’s edge. Move your head towards the left at an angle of 45 degrees. Head should not touch your shoulder.
2- Place a pillow in such a position that when you lie down the pillow should be between your shoulders.
3- Lie down on your back so that the abovementioned pillow should be under your shoulders and your head must be at an angle of 45 degrees from the bed. Please note that pillow should not be placed under your head.
4- Turn your head at 90 degrees towards right without raising it. Maintain this position for thirty seconds.
5- Turn your head and body towards the right while looking at the floor. Maintain this position for thirty seconds.
6- Sit up slowly however stay on bed for a few minutes.
Caution: if you suffer from neck, back or retinal detachment issues, it is recommended to consult your doctor before doing this maneuver on yourself.
Please note that above-mentioned steps are valid if vertigo originates from left side. Reverse these instructions if the right ear is affected. Repeat this exercise three to four times daily, before sleeping. You can leave it if you spend 24 hours without dizziness.
Semont Maneuver
This exercise has a resemblance with the Epley maneuver. If the vertigo is coming from the left side
1- Sit on your bed’s edge and move your head to the right side at 45 degrees.
2- Lie down quickly on the left side. Keep this position for thirty seconds.
3- Quickly move to lie down on the opposite end of your bed. Keep the direction of your head intact. That is, maintain it at 45 degrees and try to stare at the ground. Keep this position for thirty seconds.
4- Return slowly to a sitting position and wait for a few minutes.
5- Reverse these moves if vertigo is coming from the right side.
Perform this activity three times per day until you spend 24 hours without vertigo.
If you are doing these exercises, avoid tilting your head too far up or down. If you are not feeling better even after one week you should reconsult with your doctor.
How to Prevent Vertigo
Following certain instructions can help in minimizing occurrence of peripheral vertigo. It is highly recommended that you follow these preventive measures while you are taking homeopathic treatment of vertigo. The preventive measures are as follows:
● Avoid bright lights or intense rays.
● Avoid sudden or rapid motions of the head.
● Avoid looking up for a longer time.
Homeopathic Treatment of Vertigo
Our Live Positive homeopathic treatment of vertigo protocol is the best solution to your vertigo problems. This protocol has been developed after research and development. We have observed more than hundreds of patients suffering from different types of peripheral vertigo and based our protocol on these observations.
Our LPC protocol uses only personalized vertigo homeopathy treatment. A deep analysis of each new case of vertigo is done and we consider almost 175+ factors to analyze and evaluate the case.
After extensive analysis and study, the best medicines in homeopathy for vertigo are carefully chosen so that they provide permanent relief and cure to the patient.
Suffering from vertigo? Click the blue button below to know how to get a personalized homeopathic treatment of vertigo.