Breast Cancer Treatment in India-Things to Know Before You Begin

Millions of people are desperately seeking breast cancer treatment in India, including Indians, Non-resident Indians, and foreigners.

Breast Cancer in Indian Women


Breast cancer is worrisome for all women across the globe, but if you are an Indian by origin you need to be more worried about this disease, because breast cancer statistics in India suggest that it is not only the most common cancer among Indian women, but also accounts for approximately 27 % of all cancers in Indian women.

That’s not all, when you consider both breast cancer and cervical cancer cases together, they jointly contribute to almost 50 % of all cancer cases in Indian women.

Globocan statistics 2012 reveal that 70,218 deaths have occurred and 1, 44,937 new cases of breast cancer have been registered. The maximum incidence of breast cancer in Indian women is at the peak in the sixth and seventh decades of life, i.e. between 50 and 64 years. But the trend starts quite early in the early 30s.

If you have spent major part of your lifetime, living in cities, then you have more reasons to worry than your counterparts who have lived their entire lives in villages. 1 in every 22 urban Indian woman and 1 in every 60 rural Indian women may suffer from breast cancer, which clearly shows that city dwellers are exposed to higher risk of contracting this disease.

In general, 1 in every 28 Indian women may suffer from breast cancer in her lifetime.


Breast Cancer Mortality Rates in India

Mortality rates or percentage of deaths due to breast cancer in India are high, because 50 % of new cases diagnosed with breast cancer die. This means that out of every 2 new breast cancer cases that are diagnosed, 1 dies.


Breast Cancer Treatment in India

When it comes to breast cancer treatment options in India, almost all people go looking for an oncologist who practices Allopathy. But as mentioned above, statistics data in the National Cancer Registry Programme clearly show a grim picture of the effectiveness of the Allopathic breast cancer treatment method.

Not to mention that the treatment procedures in Allopathic medicine are by themselves both painful and cause numerous harmful side effects in the body. Even in cases where the spread of cancer may be arrested, the quality of life and general health of the patient is pitiful to say the least.

The cost of treating breast cancer is also quite high and not affordable for many families who barely earn enough to pull through a family of 4/5.

Breast Cancer Treatment Cost in India

If you have opted for the Allopathic system of medicine, then breast cancer treatment cost in India will definitely be sky-high. On an average, the roughly estimated cost of breast cancer treatment in India will between 1-2 lakhs (1500-3000 USD) each month.

This is a huge amount for majority of the Indian population because the average monthly income is hardly 10,000 INR. It is a sad reality that majority of Indian breast cancer patients or their relatives are forced to take loans from banks at high interest rates, or ask for hand loans from near and dear, or even sell their property or other valuable assets in order to finance their cancer treatment.

Considering that there is no cure for cancer in Allopathic medicine, the final result is that the relatives lose both their life savings and their loved ones to cancer.


Best Breast Cancer Treatment in India

The best breast cancer treatment in India is the one that provides the safest and gentlest cure/ palliation without creating any unwanted side effects in the patient’s body and does not in any way increase the suffering of the patient. It should not only cure or reduce the symptoms and suffering of the cancer patient, but also should increase the overall quality of health and life and boost the natural immunity of the patient.

All this should be done at an affordable cost without being a burden on the finances of the patient or their relatives.


Breast Cancer Treatment in India at Affordable Cost

The only breast cancer treatment that fulfills all of the above mentioned criteria is homeopathic breast cancer treatment. It is not only the best breast cancer treatment in India but also the only option for breast cancer treatment in India at affordable cost.

At Live Positive Multispeciality Homeopathy, we provide the best breast cancer treatment in India at affordable cost. The complete cost of consultation, treatment and medications will not cost you more than a few hundred dollars.

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